
Solutions Galore:

Personal challenges? We've got your back. Every student's issue is addressed.

Comprehensive Curriculum:

Enjoy real-time online classes where you can interact with the teacher and clear your doubts instantly.

Earn Your Badge

Walk away with a recognized certification.

Doubts? No More!

Get anytime access to our doubt-clearing sessions, even after course completion.

Stay Updated:

Benefit from our regular upgrade sessions on diverse topics.

Lifetime Perks:

Avail exclusive 50% discounts on remedies – forever!

Certified Course

You'll get a recognized certificate upon completing the course, adding value to your knowledge and skills.

Live Interactive Classes with Doubt Sessions

Enjoy real-time online classes where you can interact with the teacher and clear your doubts instantly.

Course Material in PDF Format

Access all the study materials in easy-to-save PDFs for future reference and revision.

Access to Doubt Classes

Even after completing the course, you can join doubt-clearing sessions anytime you need extra help.

Combined Vastu & Numerology Course at an Affordable Price

Get the best of both worlds in one course without breaking the bank.

Personal Problem Solving

Your specific concerns and questions will be addressed, making the learning experience personalized.

Join Public Forum for Discussions

Connect with your classmates and the teacher in a friendly forum for healthy discussions and support.

50% Discount on Remedies

Enjoy exclusive lifetime access to remedies at a discounted rate, helping you save on future consultations.

Become a Professional Consultant

Pursue your passion and turn it into a fulfilling career by becoming a certified Vastu & Numerology consultant.

Who is this course for?


Discover how to create a harmonious and positive living environment that nurtures well-being and prosperity.

Couples and Families

Strengthen relationships and foster harmony at home by aligning with the energies .


Learn to optimize workspace energies to enhance productivity, creativity, and overall business success.


Improve focus, concentration, and academic performance by aligning study spaces with favorable energies.

Spiritual Seekers

Deepen your spiritual journey by understanding how to channel and balance energies in your living spaces.

Career Seekers

Use Numerovastu principles to attract positive opportunities and unlock your true potential in the professional world.