Metal Strips
Metal also has great importance in Vastu Shastra. What is the relation of metal with Vastu, this question comes to mind. What is its importance in Vastu Shastra? What element is it part of? Such thoughts come to mind. How metal corrects our Vastu. As we know, metal comes out from under the ground. One thing that has been said about the metal in Vastu, is that it is also related to every element. Each element enhances the metal. Or is it of the same metal? Now the question also arises that what it does with the elements. Along with these elements, there is a process of activity that has an impact on our life. If the metal is used properly then it will be auspicious. But if the wrong metal is used in the wrong zone, then trouble can also be created. Doing this can also cause problems. Because if the wrong metal is used in the wrong place, then it will either destroy the element of that zone. Or else it will drain its power. Even by doing this, we make a kind of Vastu defect, which can harm us. That is why metal strips should be used according to Vastu. In Vastu, for the use of every metal strip, it has been well described how to use it and where to use it. As we know that every element has a metal, which we can use to correct its defect. That’s why we should use the same metal which is correct for the zone.
Metal Strip For Home
Metal strips are used to fix the Vastu of the house. Due to Vastu defects, there is a lot of trouble in the house too. Like sometimes someone’s health is bad. Money is never a ticket in the house. Sometimes there is a fight in the house. Due to this, the atmosphere of the house remains bad. There is a corner of the house like South East, then South. If the water collects there. If there is a water tank on that part of the house, or if there is a source of water, then this can create trouble. The health of women remains bad in such homes. And sometimes she recovers and sometimes she falls ill. That is why due to the poor health of the lady in such houses, her environment is also not good. Metal strips can be used for this solution. If we will use metal strips according to the rules of Vastu Shastra. So the energy that is there, due to which the lady of the house is falling ill, that problem can be solved, it can be destroyed. As we know that every element has a metal, then we will use that metal accordingly and solve this problem. Many times money-related problems also come into the house due to the Vastu problem, due to which we have to face many types of problems. The southeast zone of the house is the zone of money. If money does not stand there, then the problem of money starts. Due to this our financial condition also gets spoiled.
Metal Strip for Money
Lack of money in the house is also a Vastu defect because if there is a problem with money in the house, then we may have to face many problems related to money. The southeast zone of the house tells very well in terms of money in Vastu. This is the corner of the house where money stays. If this corner of the house is not right, then money will never be saved in the house. If you ask any Vastu Shastra expert, he will ask you only about the southeast corner of your house because this corner of the house helps in adding wealth. Vastu metal strips are used to solve this. According to the rules of Vastu, metal strips can be used according to Vastu to reduce the effect of whatever element is on it. How to know that there has been a Vastu defect in the house, due to which the money did not stop. Money is coming into the house but it is not being saved. Unwanted expenses are happening that you don’t want to do. As soon as money comes into the house, expenses also come. Maybe you have a business from which you are earning money but it is being spent. Sometimes money is being spent on someone’s illness and sometimes money is being spent on getting something repaired. This is a Vastu defect, due to which there is no money in your house. But even if money is coming, it is not able to survive.
Metal Strip For Toilet
If we are building our house, then we must pay attention to the fact that it is being built according to Vastu. Because if that house is not according to Vastu, then it is difficult to do any kind of progress in that house. Because there is progress in any house only when the Vastu of that house is correct. That is why to live a happy life and to live a successful life, we should make our house according to Vastu. In Vastu, it has been told about how each part of the house should be made. Where should the kitchen be in the house? Where should the bathroom be in the house? And if a toilet is made in the house, then on which side should it be built? Because the toilet is also an important part of Vastu. Which affects our life. Because the toilet is that place in the house. Where household waste gets out of the house. While making a toilet, we should keep in mind that if we are building a toilet, then in which direction we are building it. Because if it is being built in the right direction according to Vastu, then it is good for the family. Otherwise, it can also create many types of problems. Due to these problems, one’s health may remain poor at home. There may be fights in the house. The home environment can be negative. Toilet in the wrong direction can also destroy the positive energy present in the house.
Metal Strip Remedy For Toilet
In the house, if the toilet is built in that part of the house where according to Vastu of the house there is a fire pit. So this can be a cause for great concern. Because according to Vastu, if there is a toilet near the fire pit, it will destroy its energy. Because there is a fire element in the fire pit and there is always a water element around the toilet. And if the water element remains near the fire element in large quantity, then it will end its power. Due to this problems will start coming into our house. These will be such problems that will create a negative atmosphere in the house. Because as soon as there is a decrease in the fire element, then the balance in Vastu will be disturbed. There will be a problem with money in the house. Whatever positive energy is there in the house, it starts getting lost. Due to this, the atmosphere of the house will get spoiled. Its solution has also been told in Vastu Shastra. If there is a toilet near the fire pit, then how to correct it. Because many times you follow Vastu completely, but when you change the house or take a new one. You get such a situation in such a house. In such a situation, it has been said to use a copper strip according to Vastu. Because the metal strip of copper is a part of the fire element. Which gives power to this element. Which helps to correct this defect.
Metal Strip for House
It is believed that water originated from fire. The fire in our body is the house of energy. Due to the fire element, heat remains in our bodies. If somehow the presence of this fire element deteriorates, it affects us. That’s why when the fire element in our house has a problem due to a lot of water, it has such an effect on our body that we often get sick. Only metal doesn’t need to be used to fix Vastu in our house. Many other things are used to correct Vastu. Like many people sometimes use metal cots for sleeping. But we are tired from the whole day. Due to this, our body is also releasing energy. And whenever our body releases any energy, it also contains metal. When we sleep on a metal cot, these two energies collide. It affects our bodies. That’s why we should use wooden beds in the house. But if you are in a situation where you do not have a wooden bed, then you can solve this problem with the help of Vastu. When you are living on rent in some other place. Even if you want to correct the Vastu of the toilet with metal strips. It is not necessary that to fix the Vastu, you had to dig near the toilet and put a metal strip on its bottom. You can stick that metal bar to the ground around the toilet. It will have the same effect. As much as you will get by fitting into the ground.
Metal Strip For Gate
Gate is a very important part of the house. Gate is that part of the house where we enter inside the house. The gate is the place where all the wealth and inheritance enters our house. If the gate of our house is in the wrong direction then the success coming into our house will stop. The Vastu of the house will be spoiled. If some person wants that he wants to keep running towards his success all the time. If someone wants that there should always be a positive atmosphere in his house, then he should get the gate installed according to Vastu. Because if the door is in the right direction then good energy comes into the house. And positivity remains in the house. According to Vastu, the direction which is very good for the gate of the house is called the direction of North and East. This is the direction from where the blessings come in our house. The gate of our house should never be in the South and West direction. Because according to Vastu, this direction is not right for the gate of the house. If we are getting the gate made of steel, then it is considered auspicious in Vastu. The gate of the house should never be opened outside. Because the gate of the house opens outside then it is not considered auspicious. If the door of the house opens outwards due to this, the positive energy coming into the house does not allow the gate to enter, it removes it from the house.
Aluminium strip for Vastu
All types of metals are used in Vastu Shastra. And every metal has its important contribution. Due to this many types of problems get resolved. If we are putting Vastu metal strips in any part of the house, then we should keep this thing in mind. When we are putting this metal strip in it, we have to cut it. It has to be fixed in the vertical direction to that cut. The Barham place in the house keeps its energy flowing into the house. If any part of your house is chopped off then it affects the house. Because in such a situation the energy emanating from the place of Brahma is not balanced and that energy starts creating a disturbance. If the area of the North East side of your house is cut off, then the solution has been given in Vastu Shastra for its solution. According to Vastu, blue tape is used in that corner of the house and the metal is made of aluminium. If there is any problem in that direction, then discord starts in the house, and there is a strong possibility of a loss of money in the house. As soon as we use aluminium metal on that side. So all this negative energy happening in the house starts ending. A positive energy flow starts in the house. Due to this, the atmosphere of the house starts getting purified. But one thing should always be kept in mind that blue tape should also be used along with it to balance the energy of that place.
Steel Strip For Vastu
Among the metals, another metal is used in Vastu Shastra. That metal is called the metal of steel. Metal steel is also used to solve many types of problems. Steel metal is combined with the air element. It is said in Vastu Shastra that this metal is used to correct the problems related to air elements. If there is any problem on the East side of the house, then we solve that problem by using steel metal. And with this steel metal, we can also use green tape because the green tape is also attached to the air element. There is also another reason for which we use steel metal in the house. Suppose you have bought a house but you follow Vastu. But now the house you have bought has a cut on the East Side. If there is a cut in the east direction of the house, then the energy emanating from Brahma Sathan becomes unbalanced. Due to this, the Vastu of our house gets spoiled. Or the energy of that cone will also become weak. In such a situation, to balance the energy of that place, we use steel metal and also use green tape. By doing this the element which was weakening will starts getting stronger. Therefore, before taking a house, we should check it because if there is already a Vastu defect in the house, then it can affect us too. That is why by using steel metal, we can get rid of this problem.
Copper Strip For Vastu
Cooper is also a metal found in Vastu Shastra. Cooper is also used to correct Vastu defects present in the house. Every element has its metal. Cooper metal is associated with fire element according to Vastu Shastra. Cooper is used to fixing the fire elements. Because if the fire element is not right in the house, then someone in the house will be ill. It affects the health of the people present in the house. This happens only when the fire element disassembles in the house. If there is a cut in the south direction of the house, then it spoils the Vastu of the house. There is a fire element in South districts. If the energy of the fire element gets spoiled according to Vastu, then it affects the health. When energy goes from Bahram to the south side of the house, it is not able to stay there because of the cut and it becomes imbalanced. Therefore, if the energy of that place is to be balanced, then a copper strip is used in that direction. This is done by applying Cooper’s bandage. The energy of the fire element which has weakened it strengthens it and corrects the Vastu of the house. Due to this, the energy which was spoiled in the house gets cured. Due to which the problem which was caused due to weak fire element in the house gets fixed. Anytime you are using a copper strip to fix the fire element, then use red tape along with it.
Brass Strip For Vastu
The brass strip also contributes to Vastu as much as any other metal. Brass is also used for correcting Vastu like other metals. According to Vastu Shastra, brass is related to the Earth element. In Vastu Shastra, if there is any problem related to any earth element, then a brass strip is used to fix it. According to Vastu Shastra, there is an Earth element in the southwest direction. If there is any problem in the South-West direction in Vastu Shastra, then the power of the earth element becomes weak. Or in the house where some kind of problem starts happening. If the Earth element is weak in the house, then there will be quarrels amongst themselves in the house. The love between each other will start decreasing. If there is a cut in the South West part of the house, then it is a matter of concern in that house. Because when the energy from Brahm Sathan will come home, In such a situation, the energy of the earth element will not be able to stop in that direction and another problem will be created. In this situation, brass metal is used to correct the energy of that place. Because brass is a part of the earth element itself. If we use yellow tape with a brass strip then it is very auspicious. Both are associated with the Earth element. Due to this, there is a lot of help in balancing the power of the earth element. Therefore, to solve the problem of the southwest area of the house, always put the brass strip with yellow tape.
Iron Strip For Vastu
Like copper, brass, and steel, iron is also used in Vastu Shastra. As we know that we get iron from the ground. Iron is related to space element in Vastu Shastra. Iron is always used in Vastu Shastra to fix the space element. If for any reason there is a problem with the space element in the house, then an iron rod is used to fix it. Iron being a part of space element, it helps in strengthening its power in the house. If you are building a house, then you should always take care of Vastu. Because if you have not built your house according to Vastu then you may have to face many problems. If you are getting your house built, and the west zone of your house has a cut, then it is not auspicious according to Vastu. Due to this, the disadvantage will be that the space element of your house will start weakening. As soon as the space element of your house starts weakening, then you will face many problems, such as Clarity of Thought will not be there. Due to this fights and fights will continue in the house over small things. Due to this, a negative atmosphere will be created in your house. That is why it is necessary to use an iron strip to fix that area of the house. If you use it then your problem will be fixed. Whenever you are fixing the space element in your house, then also use white tape.
Steel Strip For Home
It is very important to take care of Vastu while building a house. Because if any part of your house is made wrongly while building it, then it also has an effect on Vatu. If the north direction of your house has been kept wider than necessary, then this can also cause problems. Because there is a water element on the north side of the house. And if the north direction of the house will be a little wider, then the energy of the water element of the house should be slightly higher. In such a situation, it is very important to fix that place because if that direction is not right then we can have problems with it. The water element present there can be corrected by putting a steel strip there or if a green-colored tap is installed with it, then that is also auspicious. That’s why whenever we are building a house, we should keep one thing in mind no part of the house should be too wide. The steel strip is a part of the green element, which helps to correct the water element present in the north direction. As we know that steel is related to air elements, so if we use green tape along with a steel strip then that too is fine according to Vastu. Thus we use a steel strip to solve the Vastu present in the north direction of the house. If we are using green tape along with it. Then it is auspicious according to As we know that steel is related with the air element, so if we use green tape along with steel strip then that too is fine according to Vastu.
Copper Strip For Home
As we know, copper is part of the fire element. We use copper in Vastu Shastra to fix the problems related to the fire element and balance it. If our house’s east side is wider, it will imbalance the fire element. If the fire element got an imbalance, then it will make changes in the other elements’ energy. When the area in the South direction is wide in the house, then the presence of fire element will be more on it. We know that if any element is more than necessary then it is harmful. It is very important to have balance in them. If the fire element is more then it will start spoiling the other element and its effect will be on us. To control the energy of the fire element, we will use a copper strip on it. If we use gray tape with a copper strip, then its effect will be even more auspicious. Apart from this, copper strip is not used only in this direction of the house, and in many places, copper strip is used. In the southeast direction of the house, then in the south-southeast direction of the house, copper strips can also be used if there is any Vastu defect. In this way, we can use metal strips to correct any kind of Vastu defect present in our house. That’s why we should use Vastu strips according to Vastu in our house.
Brass Strip For Home
We use brass strips when there is a problem in the north direction in our house. If there is a problem in our house in North direction or West side with North direction then we can fix it. If the west side of our house is a bit wide, then we can use it to correct the Vastu defects of our house. Since the south-south side of our house is wide, it can cause many types of Vastu defects in our house. If the south-south side of the house is wide, then the space element in the house will become more. Because the south-south side is of space element. If the space element gets increases on the south-south side of the house, then the position of other elements in the house will be bad. Here we use yellow tape with brass to correct Vastu defects. Because if we use these two together, then it is considered very auspicious according to the Vastu. Brass has an earth element which helps in fixing the element on it. As we know that every metal has an element. That is why if the south-south side of the house has defected, then we have to use a yellow tap with brass to fix it or it will fix that Vastu defect. This type of metal is what helps us in correcting the Vastu of our house. That is why we have to use metal strips in our house with care.
Iron Strip For Home
As we know that iron is a metal that is associated with space element. That is why due to its connection with the space element, it also has the power of the space element. That is why if we use iron metal in the wrong place in our house without knowing about Vastu, then it can become a problem for us. Because iron is a space element like power, when it goes in some other direction, it can spoil the power of the element present in it. That is why whenever we have to do any metal strip, then we should keep in mind in which area it has to be done. If we assume that the South-West side of our house is a little wide, then according to Vastu, that is a Vastu defect due to which there will be a Vastu defect in our house. In such a situation, we will use an iron strip in that corner of the house, so that the Vastu can be maintained there. Just like iron is related to space element, in the same way, the white tape is also related to space element. If we are using an iron strip to resolve the southwest side of our house, then if we use white tape along with it, it is auspicious. In this way, every metal has its significant contribution to the Vastu Shastra. Therefore, whenever we are getting any metal installed in our house, then we should also keep in mind that in which side of the house we are getting the metal installed.
Aluminium Strip For Home
We have been asked to pay a lot of attention in Vastu to which metal we are getting in our house while building the house. Because if we get the wrong strip installed in the wrong direction in our house, then it affects our house. Due to this, the Vastu of the house gets spoiled, due to which we have to face many types of losses. According to Vastu, if the west side of our house is a little wide, then it is not right. This is a Vatu defect due to which many kinds of troubles can come in the house. Therefore, if we want to correct the Vastu defects of that place, then we can take the advice of Vastu Shastra. According to Vastu, if the west area of our house is a bit wide, then we can use blue tape there or use the aluminium strip to solve it. The west side of the house is part of the space element, on which the space element is present. It is very auspicious to use aluminium for the Vastu defects of the West Side. Similarly, we also have many other things which we should keep in mind when we are getting our house constructed. Any part of the house should be only as per requirement and not too wide because it becomes a Vastu defect.
Iron Strip For Toilet
The toilet of the house is also as important as the rest of the things. Because if it is not in the right direction, then it will also affect other elements. The job of the toilet is to dispose of. So if the toilet is in the wrong direction, the energy that will go to that place will destroy it. So when the Brahma Sathan of the house releases energy, the toilet dissipates the energy coming towards it. And there will be an imbalance of energy in the house. If your toilet is on the west side and it is destroying all the energy that is coming towards it. To resolve it we can use an iron strip around our toilet. If we make cuts around our toilet and insert the iron strips in those cuts, by doing this we can control the Vastu defect. If we don’t stop it earlier, then it can make trouble for us and our family. Along with the iron strip if we use tape that is suitable to resolve the problem according to Vastu for that direction. That would be great. The iron strip is related to the space element as we know. Keeping it around the toilet seat which is no west, is good according to Vastu. This is how we can solve the problem of the west zone toilet. Always make sure this, when someone is using the strip around the toilet seat. It must be the right metal strip and should be good according to the Vastu of that direction.
Aluminium Strip For Toilet
An aluminium strip for the toilet seat is also can be used. Because if during building the house, you have made the toilet of your house in the north zone. In Vastu it has been said, this is not the right direction for the toilet. Every direction is good but according to the condition of your house and the place where you are building your house, it is not good according to Vastu. Then it will cause you many troubles. So if your toilet is on the west side, and according to Vastu that is wrong, to resolve it you can use aluminium strips. The West direction of the house belongs to the space element. And aluminium is considered a part of the water element. The water element will create a balance there. And create a positive atmosphere in your house. In the same way, if the main door of the house is in the wrong direction. Also, we can resolve it using Vastu strips. This is how Vastu strips help us to solve the Vastu problem that comes into our life. Bahram Sathan is the most important part of our house. If the energy coming through it is getting destroyed. It will imbalance the elements that are present in our house.
Home Metal Strip
Bharam sathan is present in the middle of the house. Bharam sathan spread the energy in the whole house. This is the energy that is important for us. If somehow this energy is getting spoiled because we have made something in our house in the wrong direction. It would cause us such a great loss. It could be a health issue, money issue, or any type of problem that can occur in our life. We should not do such a thing. If we did, we will face the problems. Rooms in the house should not be too wide. They must be in the right order according to Vastu. Any part of the house if too wide in any direction. It will increase the energy level of the element, which is present there. We can say this is an imbalance of the Vastu energy. Balancing the elements is what Vastu Shastra is. There should be no cut in any direction or zone in the house. Any cut in any zone of the house also creates a Vastu defect. Using the right color Vastu. These metal strips also have different metal properties. Because whenever metal is made, it is made by mixing some metal. That is why due to the mixing of different metals, the metal also contains the properties of that element.
Toilet Metal Strip
Often when we go to a rented house, we may find the toilet seat in the wrong direction. You may have to face many problems due to that toilet being in the wrong direction. But its solution is also given in Vatu Shastra. You don’t need to panic. It is not your fault that if you have got the house on rent, the toilet is in the wrong place. You can still solve it. If your toilet is on the west side then you can do one thing. You can make a cut around the toilet on the floor. And fix the iron strip in a vertical direction into it. It will stop the energy, which is coming through the Braham Sathan towards the toiled. Which seemed could be destroyed because of it. What iron strip will do here? It will block the way of that energy. And will stop it from being getting destroyed. That’s why we should use Vastu strips according to Vastu in our house. We can face money problems if we don’t follow its rules. If money does not stand in the house, then the problem of money starts. Due to this our financial condition also gets spoiled. And always make sure this, when someone is using the strip around the toilet seat. It must be the right metal strip and should be good according to the Vastu of that direction.
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